About RAK

The RAK Money Exchange was registered as “RAK Traders Ltd”, established in 2011, and is recognized as the most trusted and reliable foreign exchange service in London. RAK Money Exchange (RME) Offers the Best and Bank Beatable Currency Exchange Rates with 0% commissions.

We have carefully fostered a reputation for honesty, reliability, and quality of service, every single client is important to us and we take care to establish a mutually satisfactory relationship with each of them. Customer, convenience, and straightforward foreign exchange are our priority.

Our Most prominent Services

RAK Money Exchange offers several services

Click and Buy

Order currencies online. Collect and pay at your local currency store.

Home Delivery

Order currency online from the comfort of home and get it delivered to your doorstep.

Click and Sell

Sell your unused currency online to benefit from preferential rates.

Money Transfer

Begin your international money transfer online, on the app or pay in person, to receivers around the world. It’s Quick, Safe, Fast, and Easier.

Cheque Cashing

We Offer Cheque cashing services Customers can visit our store and get the cheque cashed at the counter quickly and safely.

Exchange Rates

Save up to 5% by getting the preferential exchange rates on your foreign exchange services. Simply visit any one of our branch and you