
  • How can I place an order?

    It’s easy to order currency online from us, using our Click & Collect or Home Delivery service. Alternatively, visit our branch and you can buy Currency over the counter.

  • Once an order is placed what time I can collect

    Any confirmed order will be active for the particular day and can be collected during working hours (office hours Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 6:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sun 9:30 am – 5:00 pm)

  • Can I plan my home delivery?

    Yes, you may plan your home delivery order up to ten days ahead of time.

  • What are the Fees for Home delivery?

    Home delivery purchases under £xxx.xx will incur a £xx.xx delivery fee.

  • Can I cancel my order?

    Yes, if you want to cancel your order. Please contact us at 020 8503 5222 (open Monday through Friday, 8.30 am to 7.00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sunday 9:30 am – 5:00 pm), or send an email to info@rakmoneyexchange.com

    Please keep in mind that after you have finished your order, it cannot be modified or cancelled without our permission, and in such cases, we have the right to levy a £10 administration fee. We also cannot promise that you will receive the same exchange rate as when you placed your order, and the shipping charge is non-refundable. For further information, please contact us or see our website’s terms and conditions page.

  • Can I change my order?

    Yes, if you want to modify your order. Please contact us at 020 8503 5222 (open Monday through Friday, 8.30 am to 7.00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sunday 9:30 am – 5:00 pm), or send an email to info@rakmoneyexchange.com

  • How can I make a payment for my Click & Collect order?

    You can choose either to pay with a Debit card or cash. Card payments need Photo identification, and there are no additional fees.

  • What is the duration of my Click & Collect order?

    We promise our customers a One-day exchange rate. This implies that your order will be held for one business day.

  • How can we be reached?

    Call us at 020 8503 5222 (open Monday through Friday, 8.30 am to 7.00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sunday 9:30 am – 5:00 pm), or send an email to info@rakmoneyexchange.com

    We have a committed staff of customer care representatives that are pleased to assist you.

  • What is the minimum and maximum order I can place?

    The minimum and maximum order amounts for Home Delivery are £100 and £5,000, respectively.

    There is no minimum order amount for Click & Collect, and you can order up to £6000.

    For all home delivery orders totalling more than £xxx.xx, we provide free delivery.

    The highest order amount for Click & Sell is £5,000, and there is no minimum order amount.

  • How can I order money online?

    It’s simple to order travel money from us online by using our Click & Collect or Home Delivery services. Alternatively, you may visit our local bureau de change branch and purchase your travel money there.

  • Where can I check $1 notes or Euro coin exchange rates?

    $1 bills and Euros coin exchange rates may differ from the exchange rates on the website, so please call the customer service at 02085035222 before placing an order if you buy or sell $1 notes or Euro coins.

  • What is the maximum amount I can pay by Card?

    We accept a maximum card limit of £5000. Payments above £5000, we will deal basis at our discretion.

  • Do I need to bring an ID for card payments?

    Yes, we require the ID (current passport or UK driving license, or European id) for accepting card payments in-store regardless of the amount we will register the customer, and id’s scan will be taken.

    For debit/credit card payments of any amount, we require id (passport /UK driving license, European national id, resident permit, etc.).

    We shall register the customer and an ID scan will be taken.

  • Do you charge for Card payments?

    Charges for all visa debit cards payments are 0.0%

    For local credit cards, visa cards, master cards, and business cards, we may apply the charges so please ask our customer service for more details.

    Some credit cards and business cards we don’t accept, so please call our customer service to check them.

    Note: our customer service team reserve the right to cancel or refuse any transaction if the given information doesn’t match or fulfil the regulatory requirements.

  • What is the commission you charge?

    We buy and sell all currencies with 0% commission and there are no hidden charges when you pay by cash or card.

  • Do you accept Scottish notes?

    Our company policy is not to accept Scottish notes, however, we reserve the right to accept Scottish at our sole discretion subject to a charge of 2%.

  • Can I ask for a refund on the completed transaction?

    Once you have completed a transaction, no form of refund is permitted. In case of a refund transaction; we will apply the buyback rates, so please ask the customer service representative for the rates and calculations before you buy any currency.

  • What if I don’t collect the order on a branch on the same day?

    We cancel all pending orders at the closing time those are not collected on the same day.

  • Do I have to get the invoice printout for collection?

    For the collection order, print the order confirmation, and produce it for the collection, otherwise, you can take the picture on your smartphone or simply show it by giving your name to our cashier.

  • What are office hours?

    You can place a branch collection order between office hours Mon – Fri 8:30 am – 7:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, and Sun 9:30 am – 5:00 pm and visit any one of our branches to collect the booked currencies at the collection point

  • Will I be charged if I pay by Card?

    There are no extra charges if you pay by card/cash.